Cancer Organizations - General
An eclectic but hopefully comprehensive listing of national foundations and organizations that support cancer patients, gleaned from multiple sources and websites. These are generally more conventional or traditional in nature, but a great starting point for research, education and support. Cancer-type specific organizations are listed on separate pages.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Resources Cancer Information Service (toll-free) Servicio de Información sobre el Cáncer (800) 4-CANCER (422-6237) (800) 332-8615 (TTY) 6116 Executive Boulevard, Room 3035A, Rockville, MD 20852
Even extremely rare cancers can be researched here and are included on the A-Z list at NCI's site. You'll also find details on treatments, genetics, research, and clinical trials.
- NCI’s Web site: http://www.cancer.gov
- LiveHelp, NCI’s live online assistance: https://cissecure.nci.nih.gov/livehelp/welcome.asp
- NCI Publications available at http://www.cancer.gov/publications
- Page for NCI Publications Locator: https://cissecure.nci.nih.gov/ncipubs/
- Link for Publications order form in PDF: https://cissecure.nci.nih.gov/ncipubs/pdfcatalog/NCICatalog.pdf
- Gene Therapy for Cancer: http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/7_18.htm This fact sheet from the National Cancer Institute answers 12 basic questions about gene therapy, including information about its use in treating cancer.
- National Cancer Institute: http://www.cancer.gov/ The National Cancer Institute gives you access to high quality information summaries on treatment, supportive care, screening and prevention, and investigational or newly approved drugs. The treatment and supportive care summaries are available in English and Spanish. It also provides access to fact sheets on over 100 cancer-related topics. NCI is involved in a wide range of cancer information including treatment options, clinical trials, ways to reduce cancer risk, cope with cancer, as well as resources on support groups, financial assistance, educational materials, and much more.
National Cancer Institute State Cancer Legislative Database Program http://www.scld-nci.net/ The SCLD maintains information about state legislation and regulation addressing cancer-related topics, including tobacco, breast cancer, genetics, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, access to state-of-the-art cancer treatment, cancer registries, and selected issues related to environmental exposure.
What You Need To Know About Cancer of the Cervix http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/cervix This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet will give you some important information about cancer of the cervix and about some conditions that may lead to this disease. You can read about prevention, symptoms, diagnosis,and treatment. This booklet also has information to help you deal with cancer of the cervix if it affects you or someone you know.
What You Need To Know About Hodgkin's Disease http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/hodgkins This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet is intended to help people with Hodgkin's disease and their families and friends better understand this type of cancer. This booklet discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. It also has information about resources and sources of support for people with Hodgkin's disease.
What You Need To Know about Liver Cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/liver This National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet has important information about cancer that begins in the liver. It discusses possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of liver cancer. It also has information to help patients cope with this disease.
What You Need To Know About Melanoma http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/melanoma The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has written this booklet to help people with melanoma and their families and friends better understand this disease. This booklet discusses risks and prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care. It also has information about resources and sources of support to help patients cope with melanoma.
What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/prostate This booklet mentions some possible causes of prostate cancer. It also describes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care. It has information to help men with prostate cancer and their families cope with the disease.
American Cancer Society (ACS) National Cancer Information Center Centro de Información sobre el Cancer 1599 Clifton Road, NE., Atlanta, GA 30329–4251 (800) ACS-2345 (227-2345) 404–320–3333 http://www.cancer.org
In 1913, 10 physicians and 5 laymen founded the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Later renamed the American Cancer Society, Inc., the organization now consists of over 2 million Americans working to conquer cancer. Provides access to easy to understand information regarding programs and events, publications, meetings, cancer information, education and related sites. The ACS is a voluntary organization that offers a variety of services to patients and their families. It also supports research, provides printed materials, and conducts educational programs. Staff can accept calls and distribute publications in Spanish. Print out "Questions to Ask Your Doctor" for your next visit.
A local ACS unit may be listed in the white pages of the telephone directory under “American Cancer Society.”American Cancer Society (ACS) Supported Programs:
- Cancer Survivors Network (http://www.acscsn.org) This is both a telephone and Web-based service for cancer survivors, their families, caregivers, and friends. The telephone component (1–877–333–HOPE) provides survivors and families access to pre-recorded discussions. The Web-based component offers live online chat sessions, virtual support groups, pre-recorded talk shows, and personal stories.
- Look Good... Feel Better (http://www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org) This program was developed by the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association Foundation in cooperation with ACS and the National Cosmetology Association. It focuses on techniques that can help people undergoing cancer treatment improve their appearance. The entire program is also available in Spanish.
- Man to Man (http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ESN/content/ESN_3_1X_Man_to_Man_36.asp?sit...) The Man to Man program helps men cope with prostate cancer by providing community-based education and support to patients and their family members. In addition, Man to Man encourages men and health care professionals to actively consider creening for prostate cancer appropriate to each man’s age and risk for the disease. A major part of the program is the self-help and/or support group. Volunteers organize free monthly meetings where speakers and participants learn about and discuss information about prostate cancer, treatment, side effects, and how to cope with the disease and its treatment.
- Reach to Recovery Program Programa de Recuperación al Alcance, Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (800) 227-2345 1599 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329 The Reach to Recovery Program is a rehabilitation program for men and women who have or have had breast cancer. The program helps breast cancer patients meet the physical, emotional, and cosmetic needs related to their disease and its treatment. For more information or to locate a Reach to Recovery program in your area, visit "In My Community" on the ACS web site (http://www.cancer.org/docroot/COM/COM_0.asp) to search for resources close to your zipcode, or call them toll-free at 1-800-ACS-2345.
Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania http://www.oncolink.upenn.edu
A vast and comprehensive site produced by cancer specialists. Great to access if you want to "dig deep" for information. There's a vast library of journals and books and the site includes an "Ask the Cancer Expert" feature. Past questions are archived. You can submit your own, but the group can't guarantee an answer.
American Institute for Cancer Research Nutrition Hotline Instituto Americano para la Investigación del Cáncer Línea de Información sobre Nutrición 1759 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 (800) 843-8114 aicrweb@aicr.org http://www.aicr.org
The AICR provides information about cancer prevention, particularly through diet and nutrition. They offer a toll-free nutrition hotline and funding of research grants. The AICR also has a wide array of consumer and health professional brochures, plus health aids about diet and nutrition and their link to cancer and cancer prevention. The AICR also offers the AICR CancerResource, an information and resource program for cancer patients. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.
Association of Cancer Online Resources http://www.acor.org
Nonprofit organization that offers 135 specialized email lists and online discussion groups for families and patients.
Cancer Care Cuidado del Cancer 275 7th Avenue New York, NY 10001 212–712–8080 212–712–8400 (administration) (800) 813-HOPE (813-4673) (Línea de consejería) info@cancercare.org http://www.cancercare.org
CancerCare is a national nonprofit agency that offers free support, information, financial assistance, and practical help to people with cancer and their loved ones. Services are provided by oncology social workers and are available in person, over the telephone, and through the agency’s website. CancerCare’s reach also extends to professionals, providing education, information, and assistance. A section of the CancerCare Web site and some publications are available in Spanish, and staff can respond to calls and e-mails in Spanish.
CancerCare also operates the AVONCares Program for Medically Underserved Women, which provides financial assistance to low-income, under- and uninsured, underserved women throughout the country who need supportive services (transportation, child care, and home care) related to the treatment of breast and cervical cancers.
Cancer Page http://www.cancerpage.com/
Created for patients and their loved ones, this is a source for the latest news, research, and information on prevention, detection, and treatment. A community resource, includes a glossary of terms, personal stories and experiences, and a doctor finder. Cancer specific information and much more.
CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Pages http://www.cancerguide.org
Helps patients to find the answers about their type of cancer. Good guide for a user who would like to independentlyresearch about cancer. Information includes recommended books, how to research medical literature, clinical trials, experimental therapies, and how to access Medline. Special section for kidney cancer. Extensive patient stories for inspiration.
Cancer Index http://www.cancerindex.org/
Featuring a “Guide to InterNet Resources for Cancer,” an annotated directory of over 4,000 links sorted by cancer type, medical speciality, country and other topics. Also Children's Cancer Web, information and links about childhood cancer sorted by cancer type, country and other topics; “Cancer GeneticsWeb”, detailed information for researchers about genetic alterations detected in tumour cells with links to research abstracts and gene databases; “Cancer-UK,” a detailed directory of UK based cancer organizations and information sorted by area, cancer-type, and other topics; “Guide to Medical Terminology and Cancer, "an introduction to related medical terminology; Cancer Glossary.
Cancer Hope Network Red de Esperanza para el Cáncer (Pacientes y familiares enfrentados al cáncer y su tratamiento) 2 North Road, Suite A, Chester, NJ 07930 (877) HOPE-NET (467-3638) info@cancerhopenetwork.org http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org
The Cancer Hope Network provides individual support to cancer patients and their families by matching them with trained volunteers who have undergone and recovered from a similar cancer experience. Such matches are based on the type and stage of cancer, treatments used, side effects experienced, and other factors.
Cancer Information and Counseling Line (CICL) (a service of the AMC Cancer Research Center) 1600 Pierce Street , Denver, CO 80214 800–525–3777 –Help Line ciclhelp@amc.org http://www.amc.org/html/info/h_info_cicl.html
The CICL, part of the Psychosocial Program of the AMC Cancer Research Center, is atoll-free telephone service for cancer patients, their family members and friends, cancer survivors, and the general public. Professional counselors provide up-to-date medica linformation, emotional support through short-term counseling, and resource referrals to callers nationwide between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, Monday through Friday. Individuals may also submit questions about cancer and request resources via e-mail. Although located in Denver, Colorado, AMC has a long tradition of service to the entire U.S.
Cancer Nutrition Info, LLC http://web.cancernutritioninfo.com/main.cfm?id=1335
This page offers recipes and tips about cancer fighting foods and diet. It is part of the site Cancer Nutrition Info, LLC, which is devoted to providing information about nutritionand cancer. While Cancer Nutrition Info does offer subscription information, this page presents free content. Treatment Related Symptom Management: http://web.cancernutritioninfo.com/main.cfm?ID=1349
This page offers information on management of symptoms related to cancer treatment. It is part of the site Cancer Nutrition Info, LLC, which is devoted to providing information about nutrition and cancer. While Cancer Nutrition Info does offer subscription information, this page consists of free content.
EMF Health Report http://infoventures.com/emf/hrpt/
An online periodical devoted to covering research on the effects of Electomagnetic Fields (EMF). Has keyword search capability.
Find Cancer Experts: Second Opinions for Cancer Diagnosis http://www.findcancerexperts.com/
Provides information about evaluating cancer diagnosis and how to contact cancer specialists.
The Cancer Project 5100 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 400 Washington, DC 20016 202–244–5038 info@CancerProject.org http://www.CancerProject.org
The Cancer Project provides comprehensive educational materials, conducts clinical research studies, and publicizes the value of a healthy diet in cancer prevention and survival. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation 1600 Duke Street Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 703–836–4412 1–800–227–2732 (1–800–227–CRFA) info@preventcancer.org http://www.preventcancer.org
The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation is a national, non-profit health foundation whose mission is the prevention and early detection of cancer through scientific research and education. The Foundation focuses its energies and resources on those cancers—including lung, breast, prostate, colorectal, cervical, skin, oral and testicular—that can be prevented through lifestyle changes or detection and treatment in their early stages. Also offers funding for research grants and fellowships, guidelines to apply online.
CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation & Children's Oncology Group (a network of over 5000 pediatric-cancer specialists) http://www.curesearch.org
Find treatment descriptions, discussion boards (for kids too) and more. Check out the "Resources" link for national and international assistance with everything from travel to financial help to emotional support.
Food and Drug Administration Division of Drug Information Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos, División de Información sobre Medicament 5600 Fishers Lane (HFE-88) Rockville, MD 20857 (800) 238-7332 or (888) Info-FDA (463-6332) http://www.fda.gov/cder/offices/ddi/
The Division of Drug Information is the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research’s (CDER's) focal point for public inquiries regarding human drug products. It is dedicated to serving the global community by assisting all inquirers and providing useful, accurate information in a timely manner. It is staffed with a team of pharmacists and other health professionals who provide expert advice and guidance regarding all aspects of CDER activities. Visitors include consumers, health care professionals, insurance companies, regulated industry, academia, law enforcement, FDA, other government agencies (nationally and internationally), and others.
Hospice Education Institute Instituto de Educación sobre Hospicios (Apoyo personalizado para los pacientes y sus familias) (800) 331-1620 3 Unity Square P.O. Box 98 Machiasport, ME 04655 207–255–8800 or 800–331–1620 info@hospiceworld.org http://www.hospiceworld.org
The Hospice Education Institute offers one-to-one support for patients and families and serves a wide range ofindividuals and organizations interested in improving and expanding hospice and palliative care throughout the United States and around the world. The Institute works to inform, educate, and support people seeking or providing care for the dying and the bereaved. HOSPICELINK, a service of the Institute, maintains a computerized database and up-to-date directory of all hospice and palliative are programs in the United States. HOSPICELINK helps patients and their families find hospice and palliative care programs, and provides general information about the principles and practices of good hospice and palliative care.
Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) Post Office Box 161150 Austin, TX 78716–1150 512–236–8820 http://www.laf.org
The LAF, a nonprofit organization founded by cancer survivor and cyclist Lance Armstrong, provides resources and support services to people diagnosed with cancer and their families. The LAF’s services include “Cycle of Hope,” a national cancer education campaign for people with cancer and those at risk for developing the disease, and the “Cancer Profiler,” a free interactive treatment decision support tool. The LAF also provides scientific and research grants for the better understanding of cancer and cancer survivorship.