Cancer Organizations - Male
This site has been developed for the sole purpose of education and support for patients with testicular cancer and their family members. Includes cancer facts, sign and symptoms, self-exams, questions, chemotherapy and radiation information, links, stories, and forums.
A resource for information and support about testicular cancer. It includes information on doing a self-exam and a glossary of testicular cancer terms as well as descriptions of various treatments."We provide accurate and timely information about these tumors and their treatment to anyone and everyone interested. We have information for patients, caregivers, family, friends, and physicians. We believe that our information and links are of the highest quality, and we are blessed with the support of some of the finest doctors in the field.
This booklet mentions some possible causes of prostate cancer. It also describes symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and followup care. It has information to help men with prostate cancer and their families cope with the disease.
The Man to Man program helps men cope with prostate cancer by providing community-based education and support to patients and their family members. In addition, Man to Man encourages men and health care professionals to actively consider screening for prostate cancer appropriate to each man’s age and risk for the disease. A major part of the program is the self-help and/or support group. Volunteers organize free monthly meetings where speakers and participants learn about and discuss information about prostate cancer, treatment, side effects, and how to cope with the disease and its treatment.
Suite 410, 1000 Corporate Blvd, Linthicum MD 21090
800-828-7866 or 410-689-3990
The AUA supports research; provides education to patients, the general public, and health professionals; and offers patient support services for those who have or may be at risk for a urologic disease or disorder. They provide information on urologic disease and dysfunctions, including prostate cancer treatment options, bladder health, and sexual function. They also offer prostate cancer support groups (Prostate Cancer Network). Some Spanish-language publications are available.
1250 Fourth St., Santa Monica, CA 90401
310-570-4700 or 800-757-2873
Email: info@prostatecancerfoundation.org
Website: http://www.prostatecancerfoundation.org/
The Prostate Cancer Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides funding for research projects to improve methods of diagnosing and treating prostate cancer. It also offers printed resources for prostate cancer survivors and their families. The mission of the Prostate Cancer Foundation is to find a cure for prostate cancer.
5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Help Line is 800-641-PCRI or 310-743-2110
A great deal of treatment information and free newsletter. The Prostate Cancer Research Institute maintains a knowledgeable help line staff, all of whom have received training from the PCRI Co-founders and prostate cancer oncologists, Drs. Stephen Strum and Mark Scholz. Moreover, this experienced staff can draw upon the expertise of PCRI’s Medical Advisory Board for medical information. The helpline staff's purpose is to help the patient understand his diagnosis and his treatment options. This is done using materials from the PCRI archives and by searching for appropriate peer-reviewed medical literature. The PCRI Helpline Facilitators do not provide medical advice. Instead, their goal is to help the patient gain knowledge to promote a better communication with his medical providers in the hopes of obtaining the best possible outcomes.