Most of the information in the e-Book chapters was previously published as "Cancer Report" by Change Your World Press. Here's how these well-known experts have described it:
"The Cancer Report is wonderful! Practical, organized and user-friendly. The Cancer Report provides us with specific healing wisdom that's not easy to find elsewhere. Bravo!" ~Christiane Northrup, MD
The world is finally ready to read and put into practice the remarkable breakthroughs in healing outlined in this report, moving everyone from a cancer victim to a cancer victor. Even the well can benefit from this information. This is a book whose time has come!" ~Louise Hay
The Formula for Healing Cancer:
Could your mind and your emotions be better cancer fighters than chemotherapy — and how do you unlock their awesome power?
The bad news is that there is no magic bullet, alternative or conventional. The good news is that there IS a formula for healing cancer. The body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself surpasses that of the most advanced medical technology, ancient herbal formula or latest scientific breakthrough. And mental-emotional balance is the foundation for it all. Where and how to start to start? Read More >>
Cancer, Nutrition & Supplementation:
Joan Amtoft-Nielsen, MD, PhD, DC
Wisdom gleaned from 35 years of experience treating patients using alternative treatment methods. This European-trained physician and expert in orthomolecular and environmental medicine shares her knowledge for optimizing healing through proper supplementation and natural methods of detoxification. Includes many suggestions to support those undergoing chemo or radiation. Read More >>
How They Address Cancer...
Inside Dr. Andrew Weil's Integrative Medicine Clinic at the Univ of AZ School of Medicine.
How did Dr. Lawrence LeShan, the "father of mind-body therapy," achieve a 50% long term remission rate in patients with poor prognosis using his particular type of psychotherapy? All cancer patients need to read this!
Dr. Candace Pert gets the credit for scientifically proving the direct connection between our emotions and our health.
Clinic Reviews:
Optimum Health Institute (OHI)
I first learned about OHI from an exceptional cancer survivor who was part of the Education Advisory Committee at the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine (NFAM). OHI was the first stop on her healing journey, where she stabilized and began to heal her late stage IV pancreatic cancer. She has continued to return at least once a year and to enthusiastically recommend it to others who ask her how she created her miracle of healing. Read More >>
The Hufeland Klinik for Holistic Immunotherapy- Bad Mergentheim, Germany
Read why this was the clinic I most often offered information about to the cancer patients who contacted NFAM and were interested in treatment facilities outside the U.S. The "best case series" retrospective review of Hufeland's reversal of multiple advanced and terminal cancers was conducted at Columbia University Medical Center and was summarized in the peer-reviewed medical journal "Integrative Cancer Therapies." Read More >>