Exploring International Cancer Clinics
(Note from Cynthia): I assembled the following clinic reports for information purposes while working at the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine (NFAM) between 1999 and 2003. The information they contain was valid as of January 2003, but many details will no doubt have changed since then. These reports may be updated as time is available but you will need to contact the clinics directly and obtain a great deal more information if you are seriously interested in pursuing options outside the U.S. These reports are in no way an endorsement of any facilities, therapies or practitioners.
Please note that the information these reports contain may be seriously out of date and no longer valid as of late 2007. Use them as a starting point for your research only. I hope the information is educational and helpful. I would also strongly suggest obtaining a referral from one of the five organizations that specialize in alternative & complementary cancer treatment information.
Hufeland Klinik for Holistic Immunotherapy--Bad Mergentheim, Germany
Hippocrates Health Institute--West Palm Beach Florida, USA
Optimum Health Center--San Diego/Austin, USA
Paracelsus Klinik--Lustmuehle, Switzerland
CHIPSA--Tijuana, Mexico coming soon...
Burzynski Institute--Houston, Texas, USA coming soon...
Pizza Clinic--Bologna, Italy coming soon...
Sanoviv--Baja California, Mexico coming soon...
Humlegaarden--Humlebaek, Denmark coming soon...
Neue Wicker Kliniken--Bad Nauheim, Germany coming soon...
St. George Hospital--Bad Aibling, Germany coming soon...
Health Center of Lisbon--Lisbon, Portugal coming soon...