Donate to The Center for Advancement in Cancer Education
If you have found benefit in what you've read on this website, please consider making a donation to the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education (CACE), our chosen charitable organization.
CACE is a 501 (C) (3 ) not-for-profit cancer information, counseling and referral agency located in suburban Philadephia. They offer in-person and phone consultations and referrals to practitioners, centers and treatments nationwide. The Center has operated since 1977 without ever charging a fee; they request a donation or membership but turn no one away for an inability to pay. For more information, please read the chapter about Dr. Silberstein and CACE on this website.
When my partner was in the final stages of his battle with cancer, Director Susan Silberstein was an invaluable resource to me. I have personally volunteered at this organization and can state with confidence that your donation will be put to excellent use and is truly needed. I personally consider a consultation with Susan to be worth $500 (or more!) for the wisdom, compassion, knowledge, resources, experience and time she provides to each cancer patient and their families.
Contact them:
Susan Silberstein, PhD, Executive Director
Center for Advancement in Cancer Education
300 E. Lancaster Avenue, Suite 100
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Direct link for donations or membership: http://shop.1asecure.com/index.cfm?deptno=6&stid=3661