Hippocrates Health Institute: A Life Change Boot Camp
Hippocrates Health Institute
1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 33411
Phone 561-471-8876 or 800-842-2125 (Reservations only)
Email: hippocrates@worldnet.att.net
Website: www.hippocratesinst.org
Note from Cynthia: While at the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine, I wrote a report on Hippocrates based on information I was given by one of our physicians who visited the Institute for an evaluation. I was very impressed with one of the statements he reported from Director, Brian Clement: “30-40% of what we do here is psychological...” As I have come to realize even more the importance of his statement, I knew that Hippocrates should be included in this e-book.
Are You Ready to Love Yourself Enough to Give Yourself Optimal Health?
When people call Hippocrates to ask what the Institute’s “cure” rates are and what therapies will be used to cure them, they receive a response that may be eye-opening: “We do not cure you; you are responsible for your own life and your own healing. But, we can help guide and support you in this.” According to Clement, this approach filters out up to 90% of the people who contact Hippocrates. The remaining 10% are a courageous lot who are ready and willing to learn to heal themselves and who will submit whole-heartedly to the Institute’s intensive regimen. Hippocrates has many seriously ill persons arrive on their doorstep as the last stop on a downhill journey of disease progression. Many are advanced cancer patients for whom conventional medicine has failed to provide a cure.
Hippocrates is a non-profit organization, founded by health-pioneer Ann Wigmore and currently under the leadership of Co-Directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement. The basic protocol at Hippocrates is the “Life Change” program. If taken in its entirety, it is 3 weeks long and includes raw vegan food, fresh green juices including wheatgrass juice, 30 hours of classes weekly, blood tests, a personal health consultation with a physician, live blood cell analysis, a personalized program by one of the health administrators, exercise facilities, yoga, tai chi, chi gong, personalized electro-magnetic/vibrational medicine therapy, one massage weekly and one colonic per visit. All of this is included in the basic program cost. There are also extra services such as spa treatments, hyperbaric oxygen, some I.V. treatments, or extra private psychotherapy beyond the group sessions, that are available at an extra cost. But the basic program is complete and when fully embraced, is all one needs for beginning the healing journey.
The program cost also includes lifetime counseling by either email or fax.
An Interview with Co-Director Brian Clement
I spoke with Brian about the Hippocrates philosophy and Life Change program. He has been involved in the natural health movement for 35 years now, the last 18 years at Hippocrates in Florida in his current position as Co-Director. He is a sought-after lecturer worldwide and has spent a great deal of time studying with international scientists, physicians and clinics regarding natural methods of healing. He spends up to 2 months a year traveling, lecturing and studying. Brian and his wife, Anna Maria, are the Co-Directors of Hippocrates. Anna Maria, also a very experienced health educator, was formerly in charge of the largest natural health facility in Sweden.
There is a great deal of information available about the Hippocrates regimen of raw food and the rest of the physical program. Call the Institute and request an information packet. But of greatest interest for this report was Brian’s explanation of the Institute’s focus on mental and emotional balance. He began with a very powerful statement: “I am 100% clear that ALL healing requires the psychological aspects to be dealt with.” I cannot get people to do this program unless they like themselves, love themselves, unless they know who they are and where in life they’re going. This can only be sparked through emotional work and a change in mental attitude.” He even went so far as to offer, “If you did everything perfect physically, followed the perfect diet, and you did not address the mental and emotional aspects of an illness, you would not make it.” You might live longer and suffer less, but you wouldn’t make it.” These are strong words coming from someone who has worked with many thousands of very sick people over several decades.
Based on that level of understanding, the Institute has a staff of three psychotherapists, all with different backgrounds and styles. Brian has structured it this way so that he can match the different personalities of guests with an appropriate counseling style and recommend the right therapist when he feels a particular guest needs individual help—something that happens quite often. For example, some guests will do better with a strong, direct therapeutic style; some with a softer more pastoral style; and some may prefer to work with a therapist who has been in their shoes, has healed from a long-term chronic disease and is now committed to helping others. Brian noted that approximately 50-70% of all guests see a therapist privately during their visit—this is strongly encouraged as integral to the healing experience.
Brian also offered an interesting metaphor for the human journey that he shares with guests. It portrays humanity as a sailboat on the sea of life. Making up the structure of the boat are the physical aspects of life and good health, such as food, exercise, shelter. The water surrounding the boat is the emotions. Depending upon our personal perception, the water can be calm or stormy; it can take the form of a pond, a lake, a river or an ocean. And finally, the wind that fills our sails is the spiritual aspect of life.
Hippocrates is constantly seeking to upgrade its program; as new information or technology becomes available, some program components may be modified or changed. Brian referred to the availability of a number of electro-magnetic frequency devices for guests, and he adds to these as new technologies are discovered and proven effective for various conditions.
He also mentioned that Hippocrates attempts to be non-elitist. There are various levels of accommodations, including some off-site shared housing that is quite inexpensive. Even the least expensive housing option includes the complete Life Change program. Also, approximately 70% of all guests eventually return for a refresher course. The Institute also tries to accommodate very sick persons and if it is full with no vacancies and there is a critical situation, they will occasionally request an alumnus to reschedule his or her return visit. The highest number of guests that can be accommodated at one time is 60 because of the personal interaction the Clements prefer to have with each guest. They don’t feel they can increase capacity and maintain the quality of service.
Brian has been very encouraged with the arrival of a Physician/Post-Doctoral fellow in Cancer Epidemiology from the Columbia University School of Public Health to begin to scientifically document the results Hippocrates is having with cancer patients. Guests will be followed for 12 weeks and certain immune markers and an inflammatory marker will be monitored over this time period. The results should be available at some point in the future, but the date is unknown yet. Check the website for this.
Other Life Change Program Details
The Life Change program is ongoing, so guests can start on any Sunday afternoon. Check out is Saturday by 11AM unless one is staying for multiple weeks. This is a 3 week program and any number of weeks can be taken, however it will take the full 3 weeks to get all the information. The Institute is unusually accommodating and children are welcome with a caregiver. Even pets are allowed as long as a guest has a private room and the pet is caged when unattended. There is a $150 pet deposit. The program is fairly intense, with activities, classes, meals, meditation, evening lectures etc. scheduled from 7AM in the morning to 8PM in the evening. In other words, not much time is going to be spent in one’s room.
The basic philosophy of Hippocrates is based on the diet and detoxification program developed by the visionary health-pioneer, Ann Wigmore. Over the years the Life Change program has evolved into its present form which the Institute calls “the definitive blueprint for people’s transitions into a healthier lifestyle.”
“Here, guests from all over the world actively participate in their quest for self-improvement under the expert guidance of our knowledgeable and compassionate staff. They enjoy our state-of-the-art therapeutic facilities, the exceptional skills of our mind/body therapists, the tantalizing daily buffet of organic, enzyme-rich foods, and lectures on life principles.”
The nutrition program is referred to as a “New Era of HOPE.” HOPE refers to Hormones, Oxygen, Phytochemicals and Enzymes: all important constitutents of the vegan raw diet that create an ideal chemistry within the body for healing disease and enhancing wellness.
There is also a board-certified oncologist on staff because so many seriously ill guests seek out Hippocrates in the late stages of their disease. Hippocrates differs from Optimum Health Institute in this, as Brian explained that they feel duty-bound to provide medical care because of large number of very sick or dying patients who seek them out.
HHI Classes: Within the 30 hours of weekly classes are the following titles, relating directly to mental and emotional issues: Internal Awareness, Psychoneuroimmunology, Stress Management, Visualization and Positive Thinking, The Root Cause of Disease, Exploring Body Messages, the Healing Circle and others. Brian also explained that much of his lectures, even when they concern physical body topics, are integrated with mental and emotional perspectives. The Clements teach many of the classes themselves. There is a complete list of classes on the website.
Costs: Costs vary a great deal depending on the type of accommodation that is chosen. The complete Life Change program is always the same for everyone. The 2004 rates range from $1200/1 week, $2200/2 weeks, $3000/3 weeks for a day student (who stays somewhere off campus on their own) all the way up to $9900 for 3 weeks in a luxurious grande suite in the Hacienda or a private cottage by the lake with sunken tub, screened patio or balcony, or Jacuzzi. There are various housing options in between these two levels. Another reasonable option is $3900 for 3 weeks in a shared room with shared bath in a dormitory-style house located just outside the property, but within an easy walk.
Location: Hippocrates is located on 30 plus acres of tropical woodland near the edge of West Palm Beach, Florida. It is within an easy car commute to the ocean. The main building is the Hacienda, designed in a grand Mexican Villa style, and this is where most group activities take place. There are various other buildings and guest houses scattered throughout the property.
There are four ozonated pools (without chlorine or chemicals) open 24 hours/day, including one with sea salt minerals, a whirlpool hot tub, a sauna, and access to numerous health restoration machines or devices, open to all. Guests have unlimited access to the fitness center and self-help wheatgrass juice bar, 24 hours a day as well.
A small onsite store offers juicers, food supplements, natural cosmetics, body care, health gadgets, books, videos and some organic clothing. These are available online as well.
The nearest airport is Palm Beach International, which is 10 minutes away, but guests can also fly into Ft. Lauderdale or Miami International.
The Oasis Spa: Located in the Therapy Building, the Spa offers an extensive menu of services. It is open to the surrounding communities as well, but there are reduced prices for Hippocrates guests. Services include the usual massage, reflexology, shiatsu, hot stone massage, deep tissue massage, facials and cellulite/bodywrap treatments. In addition, acupuncture, private yoga therapy, and vibrational energy therapy using light and sound are also available.
Private PsychoTherapy is Strongly Encouraged: The option of private Mind/Body Psychotherapy sessions is offered. These sessions are based on the theories of psychoneuroimmunology and are described as “drawing on various deep feeling and body-focused techniques, as appropriate for your situation. Unlock and safely release painful memories, catastrophic conclusions of childhood, and unexpressed emotions. Empower yourself with new life-affirming choices.”
There is more information about Hippocrates therapist, Andy Bernay-Roman, RN, MS, LMHC available at the following link: www.deepfeeling.com and an interview with him is included in this report. Andy has also written a book available at www.amazon.com called: “Deep Feeling, Deep Healing; the Heart and Soul of Getting Well,” that includes many stories about how he works with guests at Hippocrates. The other primary therapist at Hippocrates is a licensed mental health counselor, a licensed clinical social worker, and has masters degrees in both philosophy and theology.
These therapists are an extraordinary onsite resource for guests to have available to begin to address the mental and emotional causes underlying much chronic disease.
Health Educator Program: Health Educator Certification Programs are offered three times per year. The schedule is nine weeks for new students and six weeks for alumni who have already completed the three week Life Change Program and do not wish to repeat it. This is an intensive exploration of the Living Foods Lifestyle. Students not only "walk the talk", but they experience detoxification and recharging on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. They explore and expand perceptions of themselves as individuals worthy of actualizing personal life goals and leave the course with the confidence, clarity and focus to create abundance and joy in their lives. Classes include Art therapy, Herbology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Massage Therapy, The History of Living Foods, Positive Thinking, Enzymatic Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology. All courses provide regeneration and balance for the body, emotions, and mind.
The Tuition for the nine-week program is $5,450.00 and the six-week program is $4,350.00. These prices do not include housing or books. The course can be taken by those who wish to practice, or are already practicing as healthcare providers—or for anyone who wants to improve his or her personal health and help family and friends. Since its inception, the Health Educator Program has graduated students from 25 countries.
An Interview with Gayle, Age 48, Breast Cancer Patient
Gayle has been to Hippocrates five times now, as she has worked on healing her metastatic breast cancer. At one point she had at least 18 tumors throughout her body, including her liver, lungs and neck. By conventional standards, her prognosis was bleak at best, yet she is now nearly cancer free with only one small spot remaining on her left lung. Gayle was extremely open and enthusiastically shared her story, in the hope that it would empower other cancer patients to make the decision to take action and do whatever it takes to heal themselves. Her story is just one of dozens like it that have been included on the “Testimonials Board” (a bulletin board with personal stories of healing submitted by guests) at Hippocrates. Gayle estimated that there are literally hundreds of cancer patients who have come to Hippocrates over the years and healed themselves, yet this is not a statistic that the Institute can publicize, for fear of legal reprisal.
Six years ago, Gayle had an extremely stressful life. Her high-pressure job required over a two hour commute daily, she never saw her family, she was depressed and had begun to quit taking care of herself physically. When her breast cancer was diagnosed, Gayle saw an oncologist and did the conventional therapies. She then came to Hippocrates to detoxify her body, but she did very little else while there. In other words, she focused almost entirely on the physical aspects. She visited several more times over the ensuing years, always looking to the diet and physical therapies to keep her disease in check.
She succeeded in keeping her cancer under control until a traumatic situation with her teenage son happened. He began to have trouble with the law, was out of control and had to be committed to a “lockdown” type of boarding facility for rehabilitating young persons. Gayle felt she had abandoned her son and described this as one of the most painful times of her life. She agonized over sending him away and then struggled with hearing his pleas to come home. Soon after this, she found that her cancer had returned with a vengeance, with many more areas of her body now showing tumor growth--at least 18 more tumors were counted. Her oncologist recommended chemotherapy once a week for the next 6 months.
At this point, Gayle returned to Hippocrates, determined to embrace the complete Life Change program 100% and to do whatever emotional work was required! She now began to do intensive psychological work with psychotherapist Andy Roman, seeing him two or three times a week for the six weeks she was there. She credits this emotional work as being extremely difficult, but probably the critical component of her success this time.
Gayle began to explore how the loss of her mother at age six triggered major feelings of abandonment in her psyche. She embraced her feelings, allowed their expression and began to heal in a dramatic fashion. She remarked how amazed she was at the level of fear that was attached to keeping her emotions repressed. She recalled one especially powerful therapy session of emotional release when she said out loud to herself as she left the session, exhausted but at peace, “I can breathe!” It just came out.
Gayle also shared that she began to regularly attend the “Healing Circles” class at Hippocrates, during which Andy Roman worked experientially with several guests while the others observed. She remarked how lucky she was to have a supportive husband, because the stories she often heard from others portrayed a very different situation. Some guests were forced to endure constant criticism and judgment from family members who continued to try to force them to make conventional choices and abandon their commitment to natural healing methods.
When she returned home and visited one of her oncologists, Gayle remarked, “His jaw just dropped open when he saw me. Mind you, I looked great, I was tan, I was exercising every day, I looked the picture of health. He really didn’t expect to ever see me again.” Her tests revealed that 97% of her cancer had now disappeared. “What did you do,” he asked, “Did you go to Sloan-Kettering?” She smiled and told him exactly what she had done, but he took no notes and she knew that none of this would ever be shared with another patient. She added sadly, “And I know several of his patients who were just like me….”
Gayle's original oncologist (not the one described in the preceding paragraph), a female physician who had decided to leave oncology for general practice, actually accompanied Gayle on her next visit to Hippocrates and participated in the program—just to find out what was causing these amazing results!
Gayle wanted to make a final point for other cancer patients. She had made the decision that she needed to completely separate herself from her normal life last winter, to devote all her mental, emotional and physical energy to healing. During that time she made arrangements to temporarily live in California, she used email only, she took no phone calls, she put all her many social and job commitments on hold, she exercised and ate raw every day—and she ultimately discovered that almost all the tumors in her body had dissolved away in the process. Gayle said she wanted to encourage other patients to have the courage to change their lives if they need to—no matter how difficult this may be. Take a second mortgage or borrow if you must, change locations, release commitments, distance yourself from unsupportive family and friends and find the courage to work on the mental and emotional aspects of your disease. In other words, become empowered enough to do whatever it takes to create the energy and optimal situation for healing your life and your illness.