Paracelsus Klinik
Note: Clinic Report from 2002--You will need to contact the clinic for updated info.
Center for Holistic Medicine and Dentistry
CH-9062 Lustmuehle/St. Gallen
Phone: 01141 713357171 (Medical Clinic)
Phone: 01141 713357177 (Dental Clinic)
FAX: 01141 713357100
Email: director@paracelsus.ch
Website: www.paracelsus.ch (click on English at the top)
Note: There's a 2 year seminar series training offered by Dr. Rau and the Paracelsus Biological Medicine Network for healthcare professionals in the holistic medical field. Find out more.
Thomas Rau, MD, Medical Director, 4 physicians, 5 dentists, chiropractor, staff of 27 therapists, technicians, administrative personnel
A very beautiful setting in the Alps with light-filled buildings. Almost every room is filled with large windows with views of the mountains. The clinic was founded in 1958, and has been under current direction of Dr. Rau for eight years.
STATUS WITH NFAM (as of 2002)
A review by NFAM research staff is currently pending. Some of the cases included the complete resolution of a cutaneous T. cell lymphoma (micosis fungoides) using neural therapy, including a series of H2O2 injections into the lesions. Charts are kept with physicians notes, some outside path reports and scan reports were present in some charts. Reports on thermography, labs and darkfield are included. Most patients are from Switzerland and Germany, however 3 patients in the review were from the US.
Most of the cases presented were too recent to assess for Extension QL (quality of life extension). In the presentation of cases, there appeared to be strong clinical improvement and quality of life improvement in the patients.
PHILOSOPHY OF TREATMENT (from Paracelsus Clinic)
"Healing a human being by strengthening the healthy parts. Trying to recover, people concentrate on the sickness and the future. The concentration should be on life, the now, the joy, the game and the love."
NOTE: The facility was originally built by an anthroposophical physician, and those standards are still adhered to. The beliefs of Anthrosophical Medicine come from a spiritual-philosophical movement based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Much of its focus is on the psycho-spiritual aspects of healing, through encouraging artistic activities such as movement therapy (called eurhythmy), painting, light and color therapy, music, exercise, oils baths and massage. A primary therapy used in Anthroposophial Medicine is a fermented preparation of the European mistletoe plant, which has long been used in European folk medicine. It is available in Europe under the trade name of “Iscador.” Misteltoe is known to be poisonous,and its use is monitored in controlled dosages.
Dental work and all the concepts associated with neural therapy play a big role in treatments used. Sanum remedies, homeopathics of many kinds are used in their neural therapies. “Biological Medicine” is the term used to describe this philosophy of treatment, which recognizes a person as one whole, functional biological unit. According to this philosophy, if one part of the body is sick, this will affect and make other parts sick as well. Symptoms are always seen as an expression of a deeper general disturbance in the activating regulation ability of the body and as such they should not be suppressed or stopped. The first step is to improve the metabolism, many times finding and unblocking any substances or situations that prevent the body from healing itself. Examples would be root canals, infections in the tonsils or sinuses and heavy metal toxicity, etc. The second step would be detoxification in combination with modern methods of immune stimulation and activating therapies. Symptoms then lose their necessity and disappear.
Diet plays a large part with three basic nutritional programs prescribed: allergy diet, macrobiotic diet, vegan diet. Because of the anthroposophical orientation, there are some rather unusual therapies. Thermograms are used extensively for diagnosis. Mistletoe therapy is used in many forms. Treatment always contains various types of therapies which are said to complement one another and widely support the body’s ability of self-regulation. They are believed to affect the root cause of chronic disease.
Holistic dentistry encompasses the belief that teeth through the root system have energy connections to different organs all over the body. These energy connections are called “meridians” and they are said to have a far-reaching influence on the entire body. According to this theory, when teeth are altered in many ways (root canals, false tooth implantations, amalgam fillings, impacted wisdom teeth, metals in the mouth, bone infections in the jaw) they may act as a blockage to the natural regulatory capacity of the body, making healing virtually impossible. These are called “disturbance foci.” Holistic dentistry seeks to remove and correct any such disturbances that obstruct the natural healing capacity of the body. Many times, removal of dental foci alone is said to lead to the improvement of chronic disease.
There are beds for inpatients at a nearby facility. All treatment administered at Paracelsus is outpatient only. Transportation is provided by the Clinic. The menus served at the two restaurants that work with the Klinik are basically vegan. Most patients are requested to use a strict vegan diet, with no animal proteins, but including soy.
The duration of therapies varies between 2 and 4 weeks as a rule. After the intensive treatment program, the patient is given an individual post-therapy plan for the physician at home. If necessary, individual prescribed remedies and infusions are also provided for continued outpatient care.
Living accommodations are arranged separately and must be paid separately. Costs per person at the local hotel are approximately SFr. 45 and SFr. 90 per day, including the diet program according to Dr. Rau. Costs at the nearby hospital (inpatient), including full board and medical supervision are approx. SFr. 1’800 for a single room and SFr. 1’500 for a double. All rooms have private bath, balcony, TV and telephone.
The cost of medical treatment for daily intensive care (consultation, therapies, infusions, medications) depends on each individual. Depending on intensity, cost usually varies between SFr. 250 and SFr. 400 per day, five days a week. Prices are according to agreement with the Swiss Health Insurance System. All services are listed separately on the bill so it can be used for reimbursement by insurance companies if services are covered. There is no agreement with foreign carriers, but the Clinic is recognized and accredited as a hospital and outpatient treatment center by the Swiss Health Insurance System.
Important: A deposit of SFr. 5’000 is required for the medical treatment on the day of arrival. It will be applied to the balance of the account. If you are having dental treatment, the dentist will give an accurate quotation at the beginning of treatment. The quoted amount must be paid in advance. Contact the Paracelsus Clinic to confirm these rates.
Preferred payment in Switzerland is cash, either in Swiss francs or in US dollars. For security reasons, you may buy Travelers checks in your own currency or in Swiss francs before you leave home. The Clinic accepts Visa credit cards.
Biological medicine is multifaceted, comprehensive, and appropriate for all conditions and diseases. Dr. Rau’s team sees 150 patients of all ages daily, and they come for holistic treatment of all types of problems, from terminal cancer, to hyperactivity in children, to Alzheimer’s in the elderly.
Some examples of the specific therapy programs include:
- Prostata hyperplasia: 1-2 weeks. Depending on additional disease present
- Osteoporosis: 3 weeks
- Chronic fatigue syndrome: 3-4 weeks
- Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis/Connective tissue disease: 3 weeks, very intensive program
- Breast cancer, early and late stage: 2-4 weeks
- Asthma and susceptibility to infections: 2 weeks with intensive post treatment program
Holistic dentistry, biological medicine, with a strong focus on interference/foci elimination involving biological dentistry and neural therapy. There is a heavy emphasis on psychological aspects of treatment, although there is no psychologist on staff; art therapy, hiking in the mountains/being outdoors in nature is considered therapy.
Diagnostic Methods:
- Darkfield microscopy: examination of fungal and endobiotic afflictions according to Prof. Enderlein
- Electro acupuncture (Voll)
- Thermo regulation diagnosis
- X-ray diagnosis, including ECG, ergometry, pulmonary functions, hermatology lab
- Mineral content analyses from hair, blood and urine
- Interference and focus examinations
- Toxification examination
- Allergy examination
- Measurement of environmental influences in home and workplace
Treatment Modalities:
- Isopathy, terrain therapy according to Prof. Enderlein
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Homeopathic therapies
- Neural therapy
- Colon hydrotherapy
- Orthomolecular therapy
- Chelation therapy
- Ozone therapies
- Chinese medicine, acupuncture
- Preparation of individual naturopathic remedies and homeopathics
- Bioresonance therapy, allergy clarification and therapies
- Fasting cures, diet consultations, healing nourishment science
- Holistic biological tumor treatment, including local and systemic hyperthermia
- Elimination of toxic afflictions
- Acid-base therapies
- Kinesiology
- Holistic dentistry and amlagam diversions
- Dental lab for bio-compatible tooth replacement
- Holistic jaw-orthopedistic correction of mispositioned teeth (biomator method)
- Jaw surgery
- Orthopantomograph
- Electro acupuncture for material verification and focus examination
- Energy flow massage
- Regulative and diversive physiotherapies: cupping, intestinal lavage, feet reflex zone massage, etc.
- Manual therapies (chirotherapy)
- Laser therapy